Friday, December 20, 2019

Classification of prefabricated construction system

Based on the type of precasting

Partial prefabricated open system: It is the system in which prefabrication is done only for the part of the conventional building.
Ex : Sunshades ,Kitchen sills etc.......

Full prefabrication system: It is the system in which  the overall building is constructed by prefabrication technique.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Classification of prefabricated construction system

Based on degree of precast

Smaller degree Prefabrication: Here the prefabrication is done in the smaller scale.
Image result for precast bricks
precast brick
Medium degree Prefabrication:  Here the prefabrication is done in the moderate scale.

Related image                                  Image result for precast flooring

      precast roof system                                                       precast floor system
Large degree Prefabrication : Here the prefabrication is done in the large scale.

Image result for precast building
Image result for precast staircase

  precast stair case system       

precast building